Dr. Ibrahim Masoud is originally from Jeddah, Saudia Arabia. He completed his undergraduate degree at Cairo University. He then went on to get two clinical degrees in orthodontics from Howard university in Washington DC, then from Harvard. He finally received his Doctorate in Medical Science degree in 1984 from Harvard University, Boston USA.
Dr. Masoud has been involved in numerous research studies and his work has been presented at many local and international meetings. He has occupied a variety of academic as well as orthodontic governance positions including President of the Arab Orthodontic Society, President of the Saudi Orthodontic Club, and was one of the founders of the dental school at King Abdul Aziz University.
He currently exclusively practices clinical orthodontics in private practices in Jeddah and Madina. He continuous to be involved in training in various aspects of Orthodontics including: Growth and Development, Epidemiology, Practice Management, and Orthognathic Surgery.
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